
When this music first appeared, not everyone was happy about it. Snipped from a site for a family history in North Carolina. I do believe that time has proven their misgivings to be unfounded.

1. It is a new way, an unknown tongue.
2. It is not so melodious as the usual way.
3. There are so many tunes we shall never have done learning them.
4. The practice creates disturbances and causes people
   to behave indecently and disorderly.
5. It is Quakerish and Popish and introductive on instrumental music.
6. The names given to the notes are bawdy, 
   yea blasphemous (i.e., fa-sol-la-mi, etc.)
7. It is a needless way, since our fathers got to heaven without it.
8. It is a contrivance to get money.
9. People spend too much time learning it,
   they tarry out nights disorderly.
10 They are a company of young upstarts that fall in with this way,
   and some of them are lewd and loose persons. 
[Leonard Ellenwood, The History of American Church Music, p. 20]